.arcmeta files
.arcmeta files can be used to override the emulator parameters for individual games. To do this, create a text file in the same directory as the game file and replace the file extension with arcmeta. For example, if you have a game file called Amazing Game.rom, the arcmeta file should be called Amazing Game.arcmeta.

The file should contain one setting per line, with the settings being simple key-value pairs separated by a colon. The following are valid keys:
  • emulator.component:
      Override the emulator component setting for this game.
  • emulator.action:
      Override the emulator action setting for this game.
  • emulator.category:
      Override the emulator category setting for this game.
  • var.*:
      Create/override a variable for this game (replace * with variable name). You can use this variable in emulator extra values the same way you use built-in variables such as %rom_uri%. For example, if you create a variable named custom_variable by adding the key var.custom_variable, you can use %custom_variable% to refer to it in an emulator extra value.
An .arcmeta file with the following contents:
emulator.action: android.intent.action.VIEW
var.game_id: 745
var.another_variable: test value
will have the following effects when launching that specific game:
  • The emulator component will be, regardless of what is specified in the system's settings.
  • The emulator action will be android.intent.action.VIEW, regardless of what is specified in the system's settings.
  • If %game_id% is specified in the value of any of the system's emulator extras, it will be replaced with 745.
  • If %another_variable% is specified in the value of any of the system's emulator extras, it will be replaced with test value.
No game files, only .arcmeta files
Let's say you have system that doesn't actually use game/rom files (or at least not any simple files that can be reasonably scanned by ARC Browser), and instead of a filename the emulator expects you to simply send a game ID as an extra to launch a specific game. In this case you could add a system with only .arcmeta files to ARC Browser.

To do this, you must specify arcmeta in the ROM file extension setting. If you do that, ARC Browser will consider the .arcmeta files to be both game files for the purpose of scraping and .arcmeta files for the purpose of game-specific settings.