.arcmeta files can be used to override the emulator parameters for individual games. To do this, create a text file in the same directory as the game file and replace the file extension with
arcmeta. For example, if you have a game file called
Amazing Game.rom, the arcmeta file should be called
Amazing Game.arcmeta.
The file should contain one setting per line, with the settings being simple key-value pairs separated by a colon. The following are valid keys:
Override the emulator component setting for this game.
Override the emulator action setting for this game.
Override the emulator category setting for this game.
Create/override a variable for this game (replace * with variable name). You can use this variable in emulator extra values the same way you use built-in variables such as %rom_uri%. For example, if you create a variable named custom_variable by adding the key var.custom_variable, you can use %custom_variable% to refer to it in an emulator extra value.